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Drawbacks of insufficient lubricant for air compressor

16 May 2019
Drawbacks of insufficient lubricant for air compressor
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Drawbacks of insufficient lubricant for air compressor


1. Will lead to overheat and damage the machine

If the lubricant is insufficient or improper, after the air compressor has been working for a period of time, some of the parts will melt or expand and lead to damaging of the machine.

2. Sound and environmental pollution

When there is insufficient lubricant, the operation of the compressor will lead to some noise and might damage bearing and gear. In some circumstances, noise are affected by poor transmission or misplaced gearing. In this case, it will affecting the production and polluting the environment.

3. Machine not performing, wastage

During the working process of the air compressor, without proper amount of lubricant, the transmission parts might get stuck and lead to low performance of the machine. In this case, the air compressor will not be able to perform normally and the consumption of energy will increase proportionally.

4. Oil Spill

After the air compressor is running for a period of time, the oil from the cabinet might leak due to the damage of the screw or seal rings. Frequent cold start (oil produces foam) or too high oil level will lead to oil leakage. These will result in environment pollution.

5. Poor friction lubricant, lead to wear and tear

In conditions that the machine are lack of lubricant, the gearing are unable to work normally. The gear will be worn and spoilt easily. When the tooth surface of the gear is tear, the air compressor will be unable to work and perform normally, same goes to the bearing in the machine.



1. 油溫過高,熱變形大,引起損壞 空壓機工作一段時間後,由於潤滑油量不合適或超負荷運轉等原因,油溫急 遽上升,有些零件會熔結產生故障; 有些零件熱變形大,引起精度下降;有 些零件在高溫下材料強度降低,引起損壞。

2. 震動、噪音、環境汙染嚴重 空壓機啟動後,有時會發出尖叫聲,如聲音大且持續持續可能是軸承損壞, 齒輪磨損; 如偶爾聲音大則可能是齒輪損傷,或有異物卡住。 有時還會產 生較大的抖動現象,可能是由於傳動裝置固定不好或齒輪、軸承磨損造成 的。 這個情況,都嚴重汙染環境,使生產現場失去安全感,影響生產,此 時必須進行開蓋檢查處理。

3. 運轉不靈,動力耗損大 空壓機在工作過程中,傳動件有時會卡住,出現斷續運轉和運轉不均勻等現 象,在這種情況下,空壓機無法正常地傳遞載荷、傳遞運動而且能量耗損又 特別大。

4. 漏油 空壓機運行一段時間後由於密封圈損壞或螺絲鬆動,會出現箱體漏油。 有 時頻繁冷啟動(油產生泡沫) 或油位太高還會出現通氣塞處漏油,造成環境 汙染。

5. 摩擦副潤滑不良,導致表面磨損、膠合 摩擦副表面,典型代表如齒輪副等齒合傳動的零件,在惡劣的工況條件下, 齒合面間無法形成良好油膜或形成了又很快破壞了,表面就會出現磨損、膠 合、塑性變形等齒面失效形式,使空壓機不能正常工作。軸承、軸承類也容 易出現此類故障。

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